ArgoVPN è un Strumenti App per Android sviluppata da Filtershekanha.
Scarica l'ultima versione (1.6) dell'apk qui, in Treoz presentato 20 gennaio 2021
ArgoVPN apk + data è stato scaricato 1,000,000+ poiché 20 gennaio 2021. Gratuito e la dimensione del file è 14.5 MB. non offre in acquisti di app, gli utenti lo hanno valutato con 4.5/5 stelle con oltre 20507 classificazioni.
ArgoVPN è un nuovo strumento per aggirare la censura di Internet in Iran
قبل از اینکه توضیحات این صفحه در مورد فیلترشکن آرگو ویپیان را بخوانید(که بیشتر کاربران نمیخوانند.)
اگر همراه اول هستید ممکنه اپ برای شما کار نکند تا این تغییرات را انجام دهید: تو تنظیمات اپ، قسمت DoH هستش. یکی دیگه رو انتخاب کنید و دوباره سعی کنید به شبکه وصل بشین.
لطفا برای اینکه یاد بگیرید چطوری از امکان فالکن، پل و حالت عمومی در اپ استفاده کنید. به این آدرس مراجعه کنید:
سوالات متدوال:
ArgoVPN is a new tool to bypass Iran's Internet censorship which is designed and developed by the Filtershekanha team. ArgoVPN has several key features such as Falcon and Bridges. With Falcon, you can register and add your own domain name to be used in ArgoVPN for bypassing the Internet censorship in the country. There is another feature called “ArgoVPN Bridge” which you can connect to ArgoVPN server through some non-public addresses.
The Filtershekanha team has added different features to ArgoVPN that are usually only available in commercial VPNs. For example, ArgoVPN has a built-in firewall that allows you to block certain websites, so those addresses will remain blocked as long as you are connected to ArgoVPN's servers. Also, we have a public repository that allows users to block phishing and malware websites on ArgoVPN connection. This repository will be updated by ArgoVPN's community and will help ArgoVPN's users to improve their safety on the Internet. ArgoVPN also allows users to use “Cloudflare Family” and Cloudflare Malware, so you can have both benefits of “ArgoVPN Firewall” and “Cloudflare Family” at the same time.
ArgoVPN is also capable of excluding specific URLs. For example, you can exclude the download websites, which are not blocked, in the "exceptions" list. This feature ensures when you are connected to the Internet through ArgoVPN, the specified website's traffic will not pass via ArgoVPN's tunnel.
DNS server, DNS leak prevention, Kill-Switch (STILL IN BETA STAGE), excluding particular apps from ArgoVPN's tunnel are other features that have been provided in ArgoVPN. We will add more features to ArgoVPN in the future according to users' feedback.
But the most important feature of ArgoVPN is its security and respecting user’s privacy. After connecting to ArgoVPN, your connection is encrypted using AES-GCM-128 OR ChaCha20-Poly1305 ciphers. The choice of the cipher is made automatically based on your smartphone’s processor architecture so that the highest Internet speed possible for accessing online services is provided to you. After each connection, your connection’s encryption key will be randomly generated (which is different from your last connection). This is done with the use of our exclusive protocol called Argo Authenticator.
This protocol is designed by The Filtershekanha team with the goal of endpoint server authentication and secure & fast encryption key exchange between the client and server.
ArgoVPN was reviewed in two iterations by Cure53, first in February 2020 and then in April 2020. The reviews and audits conducted by Cure53 specifically targeted security and privacy aspects of the software.
If you have any questions and suggestions you can contact us using
[email protected] or on Twitter via @Filtershekanha , @ArgoVPN
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Informazioni dettagliate:
Strumenti Android Applicazione
Aggiornato |
Dimensione |
Installazioni |
20 gennaio 2021 |
14.5 MB |
1,000,000+ |
Versione |
Valutazione |
Annunci |
4.2 e versioni successive |
PEGI 3 (I contenuti delle app con questa classificazione sono considerati adatti per tutte le fasce di età. Sono accettabili alcune forme di violenza in un contesto comico (come le forme di violenza cartoonistica tipiche di Bugs Bunny o Tom e Jerry). Il bambino non deve associare i personaggi presenti sullo schermo a persone reali: i personaggi devono essere del tutto inventati. L) |
Does not contain ads |
Prezzo |
Acquisto In-App |
Free |
No |
Versione Rilasciare la versione |
Modifiche |
1.6 |
- Fix reported bugs - Improving main UI - Adding app icon into the Quick Settings - Improve internal Kill-Switch - Compatibility with Android Always-On VPN & Kill-Switch - Fix connection problem due to Iran's firewall recent censorship events - Adding device time error detection - Improve notification speedometer - Mark as un-metered network on Android 10+ |
Sviluppatore |
Categoria |
Filtershekanha |
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